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Addiction Resources



One of the first and BIGGEST questions family and friends have about helping their loved one is how to pick a good treatment facility.  Since "big money" has realized how much cash flow can be had by investing in rehabilitation and treatment, the choices have increased but have become more difficult to navigate.


Dory Rachel, our January 2018 presenter,  & Jackie Adams, our resident Psychotherapist, have offered a list of questions to ask when searching for a quality treatment center.  Underlined text may be hyperlinks to definitions or more information:


Is the treatment center privately owned and operated?  (Some corporate owned facilities have become diluted)


How many years has the center been operating?


Does the center have more than one location? If so do they offer different programs?


Is the treatment center licensed both for mental illness and addiction?  If so how many and how often are the psychiatrists available?


Does everyone have a psychiatric exam?


What is the ratio of counselors to clients?  How often does each client meet with their counselor for an individual session?


Upon arrival is there a black out period before the client can speak with his family?  (Important to know and sometimes a normal part of the process)


Is there a family program? If so at what point in treatment is the family invited to come to a family session?  (Family sessions can be a BIG part of the recovery recipe)


What is the residential component like? Daily schedules, group sessions, recreation and nutrition.?


If it is a PHP(partial hospitalization program) what is the ratio of techs to clients? 


Are there bed checks?


What measures are taken to ensure less fraternization?


What measures are taken to reduce dealers from dropping off drugs?


What is the policy when drugs are found on site?


What is the policy if someone is caught using?


How often are the clients drug tested?


What type of model does the treatment center follow? 12 Step Program? Smart Recovery? etc. What are the supportive group models?


How large are the groups?  Are they run by techs or counselors?


Are there licensed mental health professionals as well as certified alcohol and drug counselors?


How long is the average length of stay?  Is there a continued care program..may a client stay longer if needed?


Does the center offer IOP/OP (intensive outpatient/out patient) programs?


Upon readiness to complete the  program successfully is there an exit plan created together with the counselor and client?


If a client does not live in the area after completion of the program does this center have referrals back to the clients home for after care and continued therapy?

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